Procrastination Tips- How to Stop Procrastinating & Get Stuff Done

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Firstly, I have to mention how ironic it is that I am writing a blog about procrastination tips…. and I literally put it off ALLLL day! ???? Ever been so busy and yet somehow sooo unmotivated… Yeah, that was me today. ????????‍♀️

It feels like some days I am on top of the world and just sllllaaaayyying it! Other days I am little more like…


What I have come to learn about myself and my life in general is that we all go through cycles. When I am feeling motivated, great! I work with that and get as much as I possibly can done in those few days or hours. When I am feeling less than able to do my “adulting” for the day, I resort to these procrastination tips below for some solid kicks in the pants motivation help.

If you are new here you may not know but I do #RealTalk on this blog and I am very open about my shortcomings and my successes. If my learning curve can help you do better, by all means, learn from me. So without further ado…

My Best Procrastination Tips to Help You Get more Done Every Day!

My Best Procrastination Tips- #1 Be Nice to Yourself

Who would you rather work for; someone who tells you what a crap job you are doing and what you did wrong that day, or someone that encourages you with kind words and always highlights your best work. That’s that I thought… Boss #2. Imagine your boss calls you, and does nothing but chew you out about how lazy and inadequate you are this week, but last week you worked 60 hours and get a major project done with no thanks at all. Would you take that? I hope not… Let me give you a tip, if you wouldn’t let anyone else talk to you like that, don’t talk to yourself like that. If you need help with this step be sure to check out my blog post on Positive Self Talk for Moms.


My Best Procrastination Tips- #2 Evaluate the sitch…

Most of the time when we are procrastinating on something it is because we feel overwhelmed by the task. Break it down and look at why you are feeling that way. Are you having a hard time with a specific piece of information? Are you waiting for information from someone else? Do you understand the end goal? Once you have the roadblock figured out it will be significantly easier to get what you need and get past it.

My Best Procrastination Tips- #3 Take a break

One of my favorite ways of getting past a mental break is actually to get my mind off of what I am working on and go for a walk outside, or read a book for a while. Our brains sometimes need time to process in the background (passive processing is what i call it). Sometimes when we are actively trying too hard to search for information our brand becomes overloaded and we can not focus anymore. That is completely normal. Our brains are powerful and completely able to do many things at once… passively. Let your brain do it’s job and go for a walk or something!

My Best Procrastination Tips-  #5 Break it into Smaller Tasks

One of the biggest motivation killers is thinking of a task as a whole. When I am making a free download to share with my friends, or writing an e-book. The WORST thing you can do is to think, “Ok, today I have to write an e-book.” That sounds like NOOO fun at all. Instead I start with “Alright, today I am going to outline my e-book.” See how that works? Way less overwhelming.

My Best Procrastination Tips- #6 Batch Working

Another really great procrastination tip is to literally do things in groups. You know when you are little and your mom is teaching you to clean and she is all “Ok put the-like-things together. Good work!” Literally, we are doing the same thing here. Most of the time I write all my blogs for the week on one day, then the next day I work on images, day 3 I work on downloads to offer, day 4 I plan my social media. It takes so much less energy when I work on only like things together. I recently listened to this awesome podcast from Jenna Kutcher, and she talked all about batch working and had some awesome tips!

My Best Procrastination Tips- #7 Take Days Off

This is the biggest one I get complaints about. How DARE I suggest you take a day OFF? The indignation… Well, sweetie… #realtalk (remember that warning from before you started reading? ????) The best way to surely kill your productivity and burn your self out, is to pile too much onto your plate and not take a day off. It is vital that you give your body, mind, and spirit time to rest. You work hard and I realize that some of us really don’t have that luxury of a full day off, but try. Just for one week I challenge you to take a day and don’t clean the house, don’t work on any side work or take home work, do not touch the stove, and be lazy all day. #permissiongranted

My Best Procrastination Tips- #8 Eliminate Distractions

I am looking at you instagram… ???? Put down the phone, turn off the TV, mute the music, and get serious with yourself for a second. These procrastination tips will only work if you literally do them and take them seriously. If you plan to be any kind of productive today, you need a serious shift in mindset. You CAN do this! Stop avoiding this project and just take 15 minutes and check off one thing. I promise you will feel so motivated when you do!

My Best Procrastination Tips- #9 Have a Plan

Let me be clear, having a plan and having a goal are DIFFERENT. The goal is where you are going (ie. California) the plan is how you are getting there (ie. the map) Planning is a key element to any procrastination busting tip. One thing that helps my husband is to literally write the plan for his day the night before on a piece of paper. Then when it comes time to get up and go to work that day he already has a solid plan with small manageable steps. If you need a good day planner you can snag mine below for FREE! ????

My Best Procrastination Tips- #10  Have a Goal

Like I said above, plan = map,  goal = destination. So ask your self these questions…

  • What do you really want from your day?
  • What are you trying to accomplish with this task you are doing?
  • Is it worth the amount of time and energy you are spending on it?
  • What is the overall goal you are targeting with this project?

I totally get that sometimes we will not have the luxury of choosing to do something, but for most of our lives we do have a good amount of control over what we prioritize. So, if it doesn’t bring you life and it’s not going to help you out in the long run, why bother?

My Best Procrastination Tips- #11 Face Your Fear Head On

Often times we can avoid doing something because we are afraid of the outcome. Most of the time is it not as bad as we thought it may be. You have to ask yourself “what is the worst thing that can happen?” and go from there. If the worst happens, ok you were prepared for it. If not, you will begin to see how silly the fears you face every day really and and how easy it is to move past them when you just go for it!

My Best Procrastination Tips- #12 Ask for Help

This goes back to point #1 when I asked, “Are you waiting for someone else to give you something?” Sometimes we can put things to the bottom of the pile and not communicate our needs until its last minute because we are not really interested in doing the project at all either. This is me every year come Tax season… I HATE doing taxes and I have learned, it is better for me to just pony up a couple of hundred dollars to my CPA and have him do the leg work for me and because he is good at Taxes and loves doing them, he saves me more money than I spent hiring him. So it’s a win win!

My Best Procrastination Tips- #13 Reward Yourself

Give yourself micro-rewards for each smaller task (from #5 on my list of procrastination tips) you check off. A 5 minute break, a fresh cup of coffee, a dove chocolate, it can be anything really! This will help your brain see getting things done as a rewarding feeling all around and it will help you to stay concentrated and motivated throughout the task.

My Best Procrastination Tips- #14 Get a Quick Win

Again, with #5 on my list of procrastination tips, do the smallest and easiest part of the project first. Get one fast quick win and you will feel better it takes the stress out of the whole thing and makes the project or task see way more manageable. When I am cleaning my RV, I always start with the dining area. Its a fast and easy win for me and then once I am moving it’s easier to keep going!

My Best Procrastination Tips- #15 Just Do It

So this is the part where if you are still not motivated after reading all these procrastination tips, you have to just mom up and get that crap done… #yougotthis

Did this post on procrastination tips help you? Be sure and share it with a friend! Sharing is caring after all! ????

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Hey, I'm Brittany

It's nice to meet you! I am a mom, wife, daughter, sister and hopefully now your friend. My mission is to empower women to be whole and healed through physical, mental, and spiritual wellness. I write tips on aligning your life to live your WHOLE life!

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